Brief Cloud Overview

Cloud computing is one of the highest growth IT sectors, scoring something between 15 and 25% each year!
Its quick expansion requires a mandatory evolution of the traditional distribution model typical of the IT sector, which is essentially based on on-premises solutions or the housing/co-location of physical hardware.
At the threshold of this new IT era, most Cloud offers available on the market come from the first generation of providers, a generation that ruled the prices and selling models but, nowadays, is not suitable for the actual times.
The first offers have been widely recognized through the years for that the "pioneers" of the market have been allowed to do anything ..but today a series of problem arises for Cloud users: Sysadmins, Developers, Managers and, in general, Decision Makers.
Indeed in the last few years, Decision Makers try to compare the different Cloud Providers to understand how to get the best performances and the best price out of the budget at disposal, but several times they don't come to precise conclusions about the choice to be made.
For instance, Clients interested in the purchasing of a specific quantity -like RAM memory- are obliged by most of the Providers to buy other resources they don't actually need or they will barely use, like temporary storage disks or an excessive number of vCores (CPU).
This kind of problems are a bequest of the selling models that the "old fashioned" Providers did model their offers; this is the reason that explains why there are some profound differences in prices and performances among different Providers.
Our goal is to provide the greatest number of information to the people involved in the decisional process about purchasing IaaS Cloud services, so that they can better comprehend each component useful to make a clear comparison between different Cloud Providers.
After reading these micro guides you will learn how to save more than 50% on Cloud Services and realize how to achieve performance levels way higher than the average performances available on the market.
The first offers have been widely recognized through the years for that the "pioneers" of the market have been allowed to do anything ..but today a series of problem arises for Cloud users: Sysadmins, Developers, Managers and, in general, Decision Makers.
Indeed in the last few years, Decision Makers try to compare the different Cloud Providers to understand how to get the best performances and the best price out of the budget at disposal, but several times they don't come to precise conclusions about the choice to be made.
For instance, Clients interested in the purchasing of a specific quantity -like RAM memory- are obliged by most of the Providers to buy other resources they don't actually need or they will barely use, like temporary storage disks or an excessive number of vCores (CPU).
This kind of problems are a bequest of the selling models that the "old fashioned" Providers did model their offers; this is the reason that explains why there are some profound differences in prices and performances among different Providers.
Our goal is to provide the greatest number of information to the people involved in the decisional process about purchasing IaaS Cloud services, so that they can better comprehend each component useful to make a clear comparison between different Cloud Providers.
After reading these micro guides you will learn how to save more than 50% on Cloud Services and realize how to achieve performance levels way higher than the average performances available on the market.
Additional resources
OverviewCloud Server definitions
CPU comparison
RAM comparison
Storage comparison
Support comparison
Cloud Prices